In our daily life, we all have to do different tasks and activities.  We must establish strategies and a system that helps us organize ourselves to be successful and productive people. Productivity is a tool that helps us find a better alternative to obtain positive results towards our objectives. We must find the correct way to obtain more optimal results and achieve everything proposed. There are two ways to do things: easy and difficult. Being more productive at work is not difficult, but it requires knowing how to use time effectively and positively. Two important ways that help me to be more productive are:

* Create a ritual: it is recommended to perform a ritual before starting our tasks, this activity helps us organize our mind allowing us more fluidity to our ideas. With this activity, we will manage to order our thoughts prioritizing them effectively. We will feel that all of our plans will be more productive. One way that this ritual is useful to me is by prioritizing tasks from highest to lowest, writing them down in a notebook, it helps me a lot and I get better results.

* Take a break: it is very important to achieve our goals. We need to recharge energy; it is not about finishing everything at once, we need to take a break because the only thing we will achieve is frustration and stress. The breaks help our body and mind to relax and breathe away from everything that makes us feel pressured. Taking scheduled breaks can help us improve concentration. Taking short breaks helps improve our performance.  Taking a break brings benefits to my health and my mind, helps me process, stop information, and be more creative.

In conclusion, productivity is like a recipe for doing tasks correctly, all of us must use our time working intelligently. Living a productive life means making the most of every second of our time, which means that we are always doing homework, but organizing breaks is necessary to improve performance.

Narrowing the topic:

General: health is a state of mind Wellness is a state of being

Specific: healthy productive habits 

More specific: create a ritual and take a break 


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