messaging vs. Real communication

 Dear reader, I have used the Venn diagram to make a comparison between messaging and real communication.

Narrowing the topic:  Messaging and real communication.

More Specific: Similarities and differences between real communication and messaging.

Most Specific: Real communication and messaging as a basic necessity for communication between people.

Paragraph 1


Messaging and real communication are a communicative necessity, but in recent times the technology and virtual communication have led to less physical interaction between people.

Paragraph 2.

- Messaging is executed through virtual communication through devices.
- Messaging is multifunctional, you perform different tasks.
- Messaging can cause conflicts if we don't write them correctly.
- Over time, messaging can be routine.

Paragraph 3

- The real communication has more interaction and physical contact between people.
- In real communication, you put on more attention to the other person.
- Communicating face to face with another person is easier to understand the message.
- Real communication allows creating moments between people.

Paragraph 4
- Real communication and messaging are a communicative necessity.
- Both communications have a sender and receiver
- They both have a topic to share.


Real Communication and messaging have their advantages and disadvantages.


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