Is paid education more effective than free?


Dear reader, I share with you information about the comparison between private education and public education.

Is paid education more effective than free?

The superficial theory that makes us believe that private schools are better than public schools because of the way they teach, teachers, and infrastructure. But are private schools actually more effective than public schools?

Education is the most powerful weapon, the engine of evolution and transformation of people and countries for their development. Education is the necessary basis for people to have opportunities throughout their lives and for a country to be one of productivity and progress. Therefore, it is a right that every family must-have, the State must provide education for all, without inclusions. The educational system is divided into public and private schools.

The public school is administered and financed by the government; its main objective is that the entire population in general has access to education at all educational levels. The government is in charge of providing the teachers and the infrastructure of the schools, it follows the same format and pattern for all schools. In El Salvador, public sector education is free and benefits rural and urban areas. But not all this is wonderful, unfortunately, some public centers lack the basic resources for teaching and the environment to provide the student with a comfortable and safe emotional stability.

On the other hand, private schools follow a private company scheme, are governed by market laws, and put their own laws and rules within the institution, they are categorized according to the quality and innovation in their educational models. The students are considered as clients; therefore, they must receive the product called education, the infrastructure is modern and the prices, availability, quality according to the location area, or according to the economy of the parent. This sector is not available to the entire population.

        There is a gap between public and private education, the private sector makes an investment to maintain a school environment that keeps parents satisfied, while the public lacks state laws to finance it and provide more benefits, teachers in the private sector have few salaries worthy, and the effort to teach the classes is the same in both sectors.

   The term "private education is more effective then public education" cannot be generalized because it depends on several factors that be other topics to be discussed, but what can be confirmed for today is that the quality of education depends on whether both sectors are more receivers, less competitive and with more innovation, adapt content according to reality and not just to fill time and space. Be more aware of instilling values ​​and knowledge towards students who will be representatives of society in the future.

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