Online jobs or traditional jobs?


Dear reader, I have used the Venn diagram to make a comparison between online jobs and traditional jobs.

Narrowing the topic:  Online jobs and traditional jobs

More Specific: Similarities and differences between online and traditional jobs

Most Specific: Online jobs and traditional jobs. What is the difference?


Paragraph 1.


Currently, technology is afloat jobs are modernizing.

Paragraph 2.

- Online jobs are safe because you stay at home, while traditional jobs leave home for danger.

- Online jobs are more economical because you save money, while in a traditional job your expenses increase.

- Online jobs are more comfortable because sometimes you don't need specific clothing while in traditional jobs you probably wear a uniform.

Paragraph 3.

- Online jobs save time, but traditional jobs you need more time to get to the job site.

- Online jobs you are more independent, while traditional jobs, you experience physical interaction with other people

 Paragraph 4.

- People in online jobs and traditional jobs have a set schedule to perform the tasks

- Both receive a salary

- Both have responsibilities

- In the beginning, both sign an employment contract.





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